Create RMA Number
Soon after receiving confirmation in the support ticket to create an RMA number, follow the steps mentioned below:
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Soon after receiving confirmation in the support ticket to create an RMA number, follow the steps mentioned below:
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Make sure you have a support ticket number
Login to your account at (In case your email is not enabled please ask your sales contact)
Go to your customer account - My account under your name in the header
Go to the Sales Order section > Select the appropriate Sales order referring to the devices with the issue, select the Return option
Select the Device IDs that are to be returned under RMA
If it is all the IDs related to the sales order, then click on select all.
You can search the IDs as well to find the exact IDs to be sent as RMA.
Select the Return Reason and Submit the request
You can check the status of the RMA, go to My account > Your RMA Orders and you will see the RMA number.
To find out about the IDs selected under a particular RMA, click on the RMA number
Kindly note that if you have not directly purchased the device(s) from Simple Hardware, please contact your supplier and request that they create an RMA via their Simple Hardware user account. This should only be done once our Support Team has approved that the device(s) can be returned to us as RMA.
Kindly note that if the device IDs belong to different Sales orders, create separate RMA's.
In case of any question please contact sales or support.