Starting with the CheckFox and the CheckFox Dashboard


You need 4 things to get started with your CheckFox:

A. A working SIM card

B. Connectivity to the Sigfox network with a special contract

C. Properly configured Sigfox backend and CheckFox dashboard (this guide is relevant for Sigfox API V2 released March 2020)

D. Latest firmware in your device (can be updates OTA)

Let’s elaborate a bit more on each of the steps.

A. Working SIM Card

Every new CheckFox is now being dispatched with a global €10 prepaid SIM card so you don't have to disassemble the device. The SIM card has to be activated and you can find the guide for that here.

Don't forget to change the APN if you want to use your own SIM card, that is operator-specific!

B. Connectivity to the Sigfox network with a special contract

We no longer offer Sigfox connectivity as majority of CheckFox users wanted to use their own. If you do not have your own connectivity, you can get it from your local Sigfox operator or buy it at (please note that buying from is available for some countries only, if you do e.g. international tracking, it's preferable to buy the connectivity from your local SO).

In order to get Basestations IDs, RSSI and repetitions you need to ask your Sigfox operator to enable meta data on your contract (NETWORK METADATA contract option). Without meta data neither the dashboard nor Sigfox will work. It is a free service. If you are a Sigfox operator yourself, see step C.26.

C. Proper configuration setup in Sigfox Backend and CheckFox dashboard

In order for the device to work correctly, please take the following steps. It should take no longer than 5 minutes.

C.1 CheckFox dashboard user, company and device registration

  1. Login with your Google account (we only collect email addresses and other ways of authentications are planned for the future)

  2. Once logged in, enroll your company by filling in its name

  3. Now you need to login with your Google account again

  4. Add your Checkfox by clicking on the Devices tab and pressing New

  5. Add additional users by clicking Users and entering their emails (optional)

C.2 Sigfox backend setup

  1. Go to and login with your Sigfox credentials

  2. Go to Groups and click on New - you need a separate group for your CheckFox(es)

  3. When the new group is created, you need to go to the API access tab and there, create a new API access and give it following rights:

    • CUSTOMER [R] in order to see messages (DEVICE [R] should be sufficient as well)

    • OPT_INTEGRATOR in order to see IDs of base stations and repetitions

    • COVERAGE TOOL in order to see and use the coverage API

    • If you are a Sigfox operator, you can also give it:

      • OPT_STATION_LOCATION in order to see location of BTSs and distances) - group must be created directly under the Sigfox Operator group and not under a subgroup.

      • OPT_STATION_INSTALLATION in order to see meta data as metadata cannot be enabled on Sigfox operator group contract. If you are using a subgroup contract, let Sigfox enable network metadata on your contract.

    • If you don't have access to the rights, ask you local Sigfox operator, you can also find API credential documentation and tutorial provided by Sigfox here

Location of basestations is not public information. Only Sigfox operators using their APIs and configuring CheckFox Dashboard properly can see the precise location and distances of basestations.

  1. Now back in the CheckFox dashboard, input the API login and password into the Company settings tab and save your credentials (you can find them in the API access list)

  2. Under your new CheckFox group in the Sigfox backend, create a new Device type and name it accordingly (e.g. CheckFox_companyname_internal)

  3. Register your CheckFox as a new device under this Device type (register the device as a prototype, more can be found here); for this step, the ID and PAC of your CheckFox is required (you should have it in your inbox or you can find it in the device if you go to Service menu and then About)

  4. Go to the Information tab of your new Device type and hit Edit on the top right

  5. Switch the Downlink type to Direct and input sixteen 0s 0000000000000000 into data and hit Ok - this is necessary for the device to function properly

  6. Go to Callbacks and then create custom callbacks according to the specifications below:







URL pattern

Use HTTP method


Send SNI

Check this




Unique per company - found in the dashboard in Company settings

Content type










URL pattern

Use HTTP method


Send SNI

Check this




Unique per company - found in the dashboard in Company settings

Content type




D. Firmware update

After you've setup the callbacks, please update the firmware.

  1. Before you start, make sure the battery voltage is at least 3,9V

  2. Go to Service menu

  3. Select Firmware update

  4. The device will now download the latest firmware - the size is 64 kB so it will take about 3 minutes

  5. After it's done, go to Service menu and then About to confirm the firmware has been updated

If you are experiencing any issues please use the CheckFox troubleshooting guide.

Additional useful info

Last updated

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