Heartbeat 1 and Heartbeat 2
Heartbeats 1 and 2 were created to let you know that the device is alive periodically. We have also added additional settings and the possibility to append various data. Each heartbeat is controlled by 3 registers - a total of 6 registers (from 0x07 to 0x0C).
Heartbeat period is controlled by registers 0x07 and 0x0A for Heartbeats 1 and 2 respectively. The values of these registers are encoded as a SimpleTime value in a single byte.
Example: Setting the Heartbeat 1 period register (0x07) to 10 minutes (0x4A) would make the device send the heartbeat message every 10 minutes (duh!:)).
Heartbeat settings registers (0x08 and 0x0B for Heartbeats 1 and 2 respectively) control behavior of the heartbeat event. The 8 binary flags (bits) of this one byte value modify the following:
Set to 0
Set to 1
Heartbeat time period is not reset by other events sent from the device
Heartbeat time period is reset by other events sent from the device (to save the battery)
Heartbeats sent while armed only
Heartbeats sent regardless of device state
Uplink only heartbeat message
Heartbeat message requests standard downlink
Uplink only heartbeat message
Heartbeat message requests downlink with world time to sync the internal clock
Standard 3 frames transmitted
Only one frame message will be sent
Example: Setting the Heartbeat 1 settings register (0x08) to value 0x40 (01000000) would make the device send the heartbeat message even when disarmed.
Heartbeat appended payload mask registers (0x09 and 0x0C for Heartbeats 1 and 2 respectively) control the various data that can be appended to the heartbeat message. The mask is identical to the standard Appended payload mask that controls what data is sent with events from 0x00 to 0x7F.
Example: The default value of these registers is 0xC0 (11000000) - this means that with every heartbeat, battery voltage and temperature will be appended.
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