Step-by-step provisioning

Before deployment, you need to do several steps that differ slightly whether LoRaWAN/Helium is used

1. Read the User Guide and the Step-by-step guide

2. Import credentials into the backend

3. Check you have proper coverage

4. Exiting Factory mode


  1. Exit factory mode on one device

  2. Watch the blinking pattern

  3. Check at Sigfox backend whether the message was properly received and by how many base stations

  4. Check in the IoT platform

  5. Record into Project/provisioning document

  6. Once you activate and prove the 3 devices are working properly, you can either proceed with the rest in small batches or wait with the device arming for field installation

  7. After the batch provisioning check the backend, platform, and record into the project document.


  1. Exit factory mode on one device (unless previously exited)

  2. Watch the blinking pattern

  3. The device is trying to join the network with the message sent attempts 5 times on different data rates. If not successful - joining is blocked for 4 hours (this blocking period may be canceled by button/magnet press).

  4. Check at the LoRAWan/Helium backend whether the device has joined

  5. If the device is not properly joined it blinks red 3 times - pause - red 3 times

  6. You can force another join by short press

  7. Check in the IoT platform

  8. Record into Project/provisioning document

  9. Repeat for additional 2 devices

  10. Once you activate and prove the 3 devices are working properly, you can either proceed with the rest batch-wise or wait with the device arming for field installation

  11. After the batch provisioning check the backend, and platform, and record them into the project document

5. Arming (can be done immediately or in the field)

Ideally, arm 3 devices step by step, prove the functionality and behavior and arm the rest of the device during installation

  1. Arm one device (unless the auto arm is enabled)

  2. Watch the blinking pattern

  3. Check at the backend whether the message was properly received and by how many base stations

  4. Check in the IoT platform

  5. Record into Project/provisioning document

  6. Check the desired functionality

  7. Check in the backend whether the message was properly received and by how many base stations

  8. Check in the IoT platform

  9. Record into Project/provisioning document

  10. Once you arm and prove the 3 devices are working properly, you can either proceed with the rest batch-wise or wait with the device arming for field installation

  11. After the batch arming, check the backend, and platform, and record them into the project document.

Last updated

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