This is not your regular dishwasher or TV set user guide bla bla.
Please read it carefully.
Sigfox and LoRaWan/Helium are NOT consumer-oriented networks/technologies ... .You can build end-user solutions but the integration work between the use case, network, IoT platform, and devices requires a trained and knowledgeable technician and project management.
Both networks have their peculiarities in behavior and sometimes confusing user interfaces. Most IoT platforms have their peculiarities as well….
The devices to keep extra long battery life have their specifics as well.
Please don't transfer your everyday consumer experience into the IoT world…
E.g. I can see my location on Google Maps all the time…I can communicate with my dishwasher in real time…I can update my mobile phone regularly.
Please know your use case. Ideally don't start with the idea of “playing” with the devices…If you need to play use 3rd party SDKs that are universal and don't need to be optimized for battery life.
Try to understand the basics of what is critical in your use case
State change
We have prepared tens of webinars and whitepapers describing possibilities and limitations.
Please ask our sales for guidance.
Choose your IoT platform carefully. IOFrog works fine on all networks and all devices but the user interface is rich and can be confusing. Also due to message size limitations parsing and logic of the messages can be demanding on other IoT platforms.
Even though it is not intuitive, writing up the use case, expectations, acceptance criteria, integrations, and installation is super critical for any project. Please use the checklist in these documents as guidelines. And please don't underestimate it. If you need any assistance we will gladly help you.
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