Connect to Sigfox
How to connect to Sigfox
Does Sigfox operate in my country?
Sigfox is currently in 60+ countries worldwide. The areas covered differ from country to country and also there are different frequencies that the network operates on (you can find more information here).
In order for our products to work in your country, Sigfox has to be established and the area where you intend to use the devices has to be covered. For more information about Sigfox coverage, read this article.
If you want to know if your location is covered, you can check that in here.
If you want to make sure the area you intend to use our devices in is covered, contact your local Sigfox Operator and simply ask them.
Ways to connect to Sigfox
It completely depends on who you are and how much of the possibilities Sigfox offers you need.
If you are a developer/student you can purchase some devices or DevKits with connectivity already included. The connectivity is valid for one year and includes Platinum subscription together with Atlas. It doesn't include Atlas WiFi. To get the DevKit connectivity on your test device, buy the DevKit addon on the eshop (only available for SimplePack devices in RC1).
If you want to purchase connectivity for just a couple of devices, you are located in some of the supported countries and you don't mind that roaming will be limited only to countries where online sales is available, you can purchase connectivity immediately at
If you want to use the IO Frog platform, you can purchase connectivity right together with the platform. It comes with Sigfox Atlas and Google location services (for WiFi devices).
In any other case, you must contact the Sigfox Operator in your country. This is also what you must do if you want to use the Atlas WiFi option. The offered tariffs are the following:
Platinum 140 uplinks / 4 downlinks - suitable for trackers with dense information
Gold 100 uplinks / 2 downlinks - rarely used, suitable for tracking
Silver 50 uplinks / 4 downlinks - suitable for chair monitoring, cold chain monitoring etc.
One 2 uplinks / 0 downlinks - suitable for application in security where devices send just an alert and daily heartbeats
Please be aware that Sigfox Atlas geolocation and Sigfox Atlas Wifi geolocation are additional charges. Also, our devices can function in various WiFi modes that will work with a 3rd party location provider such as Google instead of built-in Sigfox WiFi Atlas. Please note this requires an additional platform/development.
Last updated
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